Monday, 17 August 2015
Room 10 debating on changing NZ flag
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Rm 11 and rm 10 talking about recycling
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Time Travel Nightmare
The Light By Keisha Togo
One day I was camping in the middle of nowhere with my friends Jazelle, Claudia and Paiden. Just before we fell asleep we saw a bright light shining from between the trees. We walked towards the bright light and Jazelle tripped over a stick and hit the light and disappeared. So Paiden, Claudia and I took a deep breath and we jumped into the bright light. All of a sudden we fell on a big gigantic bouncy thing it looked like a giant marshmallow. As we bounced to our feetit was like we had landed in a candy land. We saw Jazelle drinking from a chocolate lake. Paiden saw a huge lollipop and took a big lick, it was too big to bite it so she tried breaking it with another giant lollipop so she could eat a piece of it. Then Claudia started drinking from the chocolate lake with Jazelle...
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
BY Liberty
"Never tell a lie because it might turn into problems."
By Tyreese
"My value is Duty I can show duty by doing things without being asked."
By Xaviour
"Honesty and Truthfulness to me is when you tell a lie and you think you can get away with it.
But you can't it just gets bigger".
By Sebastian
"Respect as a Pomaria learner means not talking when your teacher is talking".
"As a Pomaria learner Responsibility is looking after someone's property and looking after your own property as well."
"As a Pomaria Learner I know that showing Duty is to do things without being told. You show this value if you are truly a leader of this school."
Well done Jevonte!
blog about blogging
Monday, 18 May 2015
At the library
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Mandarin Lesson
shu - rat- the years are 2008,1996,1984,1972
niu - ox-the years are 2009,1997,1985,1973
hu - tiger-the years are 2010,1998,1986,1974
tu -rabbit-the years are 2011,1999,1987,1975
long -dragon-the years are 2012,2000,1988,1976
she -snake the years are 2013,2001,1989,1977
ma - horse the years are 2014,2002,1990,1978
yang - goat the years are 2015 2003,1991,1979
hou - monkey the years are 2016,2004,1992,1980
ji -rooster the year are 2017,2005,1993,1981
gou - dog the years are 2018,2006,1994,1982
zhu - pig the years are 2019,2007,1995,1983
e.g if you are born in 2005 you would look on the left and find your animal there.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Life Education with Muriel and Harold the Giraffe
It was great seeing Harold the Giraffe and Muriel this term and we learned about 'unique' and how we are are unique from our family and friends.
Muriel taught us that everyone has different parts of our bodies have like a special pattern that make us different - like a barcode on library books or food packages. Our special patterns are on our fingers, toes, in our eyes and on our tongues.
We are also unique because we are good at some things and the things we might be bad at or don't like doing then another person might be good at them but not so good at the things you are good at.
We learned about personalities and how we all look different and do things differently. Our body shape and sizes are made up differently from other people too.
Harold wants all the children to drink plenty of water so we don't get dehydrated and he wants us to have breakfast in the morning to keep our brains working throughout the morning.
HAUORA means well-being, so we need to take care of our bodies and make sure we feed it the right foods, do plenty of exercise and clean our bodies and brush our teeth, in order to keep it healthy.
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Learning the skills of golf with Coach Max
The first session of golf we learned how to stand, this is the rule left hand, right hand, feet together, left foot, right foot, bend knees and bum out - then swing your golf club.
This is our second lesson of golf with Coach Max. We learned warned up by kicking a soccer ball around the golf club markers in the ground and then Coach Max allowed us to practice our standing and swinging.
Coach Max with Room 10 Learners
Great to see the Pomaria Values being shown when Coach Max is talking.
Patiently waiting for instructions for warm up activity.
The Professional Golfer - even Whaea Sandra gets to have a go at golf.
Monday, 16 February 2015
Our Awesome Wall Displays
This term our concept is 'knowing' - iho
We had to go home and talk to our parents and find information in regards to our pepeha. A pepeha informs other people of where in New Zealand we come from. This is very important to the Maori people because we are connecting back to our ancestors - our Turangawaewae (standing place)
We have published our pepeha and located our iwi or tribe on the New Zealand map. You can see the string linking our pepeha to where our family comes from.
We did a portrait of our buddy in Room 10. Then each class member wrote things about themselves and shared this with the class. This activity was lots of fun. Our wall is coming together quite well. The learners in Room 10 put these up on the wall. Didn't they do a fantastic job?
To celebrate our first week of school - Whaea Sandra helped us to make 'waffles'. It was lots of fun because we got to make help mix the batter and then each person placed this in the waffle machine. Edyn and Keisha cut up strawberries and then put blueberries and chocolate chips into a bowl.
Whaea Sandra placed waffles on plates in a pile and then put on the mix and drizzled it with maple syrup and a sprinkle of icing sugar. It looked delicious. We didn't have a camera to take photos so we will leave it to your imagination. What a great start back to school.
Chinese New Year - we made dragons, these are so colourful. We stuck these on our back window and door area.